February 25
• Edited (Feb 25, 2025)

Hey SUFam!! (Please read the entire post) As we get closer to the the event we're gonna start organizing a retreat grill out/potluck with games and activities. I'm working on a sign up sheet please comment below what you'd like to bring. You don't have to know now as I'll be reposting the sign up sheet periodically as reminder.

Important items we'll need:

Paper products (napkins/plates/plastic ware)
Hot dog/hamburger buns
Hot dogs/hamburgers

You are also welcome to bring other options, bring what you can and IF you can. Anything helps, but also if you can't no worries! We're going to have a good time 😄

Sign up 👇🏾
Des & Chris: 3 lrg packs of hotdogs, 2 sleeves of burgers.
Nathan Sipes: couple cases of water and soda
Tron: Case of water
Eric Zenke: Hot Dog & Burger Buns
Ricky Taylor: Assorted Chips
Tim Dodson: Couple sleeves of burgers
Matthew Dennis: Chips and dips (buffalo)
Ken Pfeiffer: Plates and napkins