I got out today at Lake Anna in central Virginia with the forecast sunny and 50 degree air temperature. Ramp still had ice but a lane was opened from launch to the open water near by. We targeted two areas. An island with a shallow shelf and a deep drop off point. Then several points from two coves that had steep drop off channels. Upon arrival, we observed the seagulls diving after the bait. We thought we were in!
For the next two hours, we threw everything at the bait fish but no bites from bass or stripers. The seagulls continued and we could see the bait in their mouths. We threw lipless, crankbaits, spinnerbaits, wake baits, chatterbaits, Alabama rigs, scrounger, underspins and swim baits. No bites in the 39 degree water. Still glad I got out and was on the water. 😀
January 28