Ren Calamba

High Point, NC, United States

Recreational angler here. I fish every weekend, usually both days.

Jul 21 at 04:21 PM

Hey Brian! Here's a loaded question. Do you have any tips for those of us who fish smaller lakes, that aren't well maintained, but do have bass to catch, but are heavily pressured? Finding fish seems to be an issue at the lakes I fish. I can usually track them down, but only one or 2 at a time. Does it just come down to finding structure and seeing what bites? Some days seems like nothing works at all. I'll put it to you this way. A legendary day is catching 10 in one day. A good day is maybe 3-5. At my local tackle shop, the guy that runs it always talks about catching 15-20 a day, sometimes more, but he fishes the bigger lakes. I tend to avoid those as its closer and faster for me to get to the smaller ones. 

Brian, thanks for this drop shot workshop! I like your retrieve better than what the Bass Resource recommended. Bass Resource says to "just throw it out there, and let the line go tight, then just stand there and wait for a bite. Drop shot does all the work." I'd rather give it some action. I'm going to use this retrieve going forward and see how it works out. The lakes I fish are municipal (the smaller local lakes in my area), and are really pressured. This should help things out. 

Jul 20 at 10:42 PM


Here's one from today! Got it on a laydown, messing around with some of the stuff BLat was talking about in his laydown workshop