Michael Lee

Granbury, TX, United States

Started bass fishing 5 years ago and loving the challenge!

Brian latimer the illustration is great to see!  Definitely a fan of this style of content.   



Jan 31 at 09:00 PM

I was thinkig we should go in June or July? I’m flexible. We might just stay 2 days there and then find an area she will enjoy more

( I could stay and fish every day of the trip)

Jan 31 at 06:48 PM

Brian latimer will the seminar be posted here afterwards? That topic is tied to the question you answered on the last podcast and I would love to hear you speak more on the topic. My kids and wife have planned that weekend for my 50th birthday or I would be there!

Jan 31 at 06:39 PM

Brian latimer I appreciate the answer! Slowing down is my top focus, I find myself confident in the area and then blow through too fast. I’m going out both days this weekend and will share how I did with slowing down and confidence in my area.


Jan 31 at 06:05 PM

Need advice! I’m looking to take my first trip to the St. Lawrence River (also first time smallmouth fishing). It will be my wife and I spending a week up there. Any recommendations on the best location for us to take advantage of seeing the area and any guide recommendations for fishing? I’m thinking of an early summer trip. I appreciate any thoughts and advice.


Jan 27 at 10:55 AM

So much I almost took today off to go back out!


Jan 26 at 04:01 PM

1 / 2
2 / 2

First time watching a fish eat the minnow!


Jan 22 at 07:48 PM

Email sent! 

Commented on I need suggestions.

Jan 16 at 08:38 PM

I’m a big fan of the lake breakdowns. Maybe split the time between a lake breakdown and other suggestion listed. I would love to see you breakdown Lake Granbury.,