February 19

Hey hey y’all! A little bit ago I held a “Roundtable Live” about nutrition, hydration & the importance of rest in regards to fishing.

Thank you for coming to chat in my live if you did!

There was some interest in the supplementation that I was recommending to help achieve and optimize these avenues.

I am not a doctor, personal trainer or nutritionist, but I do have a lot of learned and applied knowledge I have accrued through many years of personal development. Do your own research.


  • https://a.co/d/1eKHrgS SynerMag. Great stuff. Taken before bed & with dinner it will help you relax and keep your muscles loose throughout the day. Helps with recovery. A lot of people would be surprised by the benefits of magnesium and the amount of positive benefits it will bring.

-Drink supplements/hydration multiplier-Ultimately it’s about how your body can uptake the liquid through improved osmolality & getting the electrolytes back in your body that you sweat out and use through physical activity.

A good recommendation is half your body weight in pounds to in ounces of water a day. 200lbs, drink 100oz. Ultimately you’ll know if you need more or less. Varies with activity level and temperature.

If you’re salt sensitive take that into account. More dilution with more water can help that.

-Mental focus and nootropics-

A sharp mind helps many things. Quicker decision making and mood boosts will always be welcomed.

-Sleep supplements/help-

Other recommendations I would have is cut
Your water at the end of your day so your not waking up to pee and disrupting your sleep.

-Going forward-
There’s a lot to this whole topic and I would be glad to help anyone interested in such. I’m here if you need me! Food and exercise I’m all ears. It’s a lifestyle.

Chris W. 💪🏽