Matthew Dennis

Gray, GA, United States

Oct 11 at 05:07 PM

🤞🤞🤞🤞 gosh I hope so...


Oct 09 at 12:57 PM

Not too much. Had a couple of attempted break-ins on at a grocery store and the other at a pharmacy. Mainly just lit up the area and made contact with people walking to remind them of the curfew... Pretty much held things down until FEMA and GEMA could get set up and established.

Oct 07 at 09:43 PM

Hope you got that mounted for her! That's awesome.

Sep 28 at 09:18 PM

That's crazy! I wish GA had those. My son is dying to catch one.

Sep 27 at 08:32 PM

Once heard a guy in a tackle shop say... Mouth was so big you could throw a bucket of pinks in it's mouth and it would hit his tail! Hahaha.


Sep 27 at 08:05 PM

Dang man. Sending up prayers for y'all. Take your time and don't worry about us. We are like stray cats, we will always be lurking around. 😂.


Sep 26 at 05:28 PM

That's what I'm talking about!!! I'm about to have a new hero!


Sep 26 at 01:03 AM

Also thought about a roll on bed liner... But I gotta look into how much weight that will add.

Sep 26 at 01:02 AM

I think the best thing I have seen was the kydex sheet cut and molded to the keel... That's what I plan on doing to mine when I get it back.


Sep 25 at 10:47 AM

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We are straight down the barrel of the storm. I work tonight and tomorrow night so it will be a soggy night. As far a fishing goes... I got a feeling things are going to be off for a while since the storm moving north instead of East North East. To me that's a lot of rain getting dumped on the way up and then more water flowing south again.

Stay safe y'all...
