Michael Lee

Granbury, TX, United States

Started bass fishing 5 years ago and loving the challenge!

Jan 27 at 10:55 AM

So much I almost took today off to go back out!


Jan 26 at 04:01 PM

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First time watching a fish eat the minnow!


Jan 22 at 07:48 PM

Email sent! 

Commented on I need suggestions.

Jan 16 at 08:38 PM

I’m a big fan of the lake breakdowns. Maybe split the time between a lake breakdown and other suggestion listed. I would love to see you breakdown Lake Granbury.,

Jan 13 at 05:27 PM

I’m becoming a crankbait pro on rock! We are covered in rock till you go up the river. I’m trying to slow down and work on accurate casts.

Brian latimer do you ever use braid to flouro with any crankbaits inclduing traps?


Jan 11 at 08:40 PM


Michael Lee current level

Jan 11 at 08:38 PM


This is that bottom right point when the lake was 12 foot low in 2014. Good rock point.

This lake is loaded with rock

Jan 11 at 08:21 PM


That bottom right point was productive with Crankbaits today. We had a south wind of 10-12 today. Tomorrow, it’s out of the North 10-15. I’m going a little North up the lake from today and focused on three windblown creeks


Jan 11 at 01:41 PM

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It's a 52-degree post-front afternoon. I’m planning to look for bait and spend the afternoon in this creek, a river system lake with lots of rock and docks. I would love to hear your thoughts on tactics and baits. ( 3 pictures in the post)