Michael Lee

Granbury, TX, United States

Started bass fishing 5 years ago and loving the challenge!

Jan 11 at 01:05 PM


Jan 10 at 11:58 AM

Multi-tasking a zoom work call and here! I'm in the DFW area.



Jan 08 at 09:59 PM

I’m new to the app and already love the content and interactions. Congrats to the sponsorship winners, and I look forward to following their journey this year!

Jan 05 at 07:09 PM

Mack Toon appreciate it. I just bought a house on Lake Granbury in Texas. I've fished for a few years and realized the only wat to figure it out is time on the water!

Jan 05 at 07:05 PM

My first live! I joined a few weeks ago

Dec 29 at 10:26 PM

Brian latimer I saw your video today brinining a member to fish with you and subscribed. Great content and model! Can you take a look at Lake Granbury in Texas?
