Kevin Skovenski

Madison, WI, United States

Sep 30 at 04:42 PM

Glad everyone is doing ok! I’ve seen a lot of pictures in the news. Crazy the impact of that storm.

Sep 29 at 08:13 PM

You need to overhand knot the braid around the base of the hook. Push down on the bend of the hook and have someone give it a yank.

Sep 29 at 08:12 PM


Sep 29 at 08:53 AM

Brian Barde essentially you cut up the pike fillets into cubes boiling them in butter, salt, and garlic. It really does have the same texture and consistency as lobster. There are a bunch of recipes online where everyone adds their own flare.


Sep 29 at 08:48 AM

I bet that pulled you around the lake for a while

Sep 28 at 11:28 PM

Solid! Make some poor man’s lobster out of that.

Sep 28 at 11:13 PM

How many inches you have on that guy?

Sep 27 at 09:16 PM


Sep 27 at 08:15 PM

Dude the mouth on that thing looks like you could fit your whole arm in there.

Commented on Lake Greenwood SC

Sep 27 at 08:15 PM

Geez that’s crazy
