Kevin Skovenski

Madison, WI, United States

Ken Pfeiffer

Jan 29 at 08:11 PM

Man of his word right there!

I don’t disagree, great area!  I grew up in Buffalo, NY so I was fortunate enough to fish Erie, St Lawrence, and Champlain.  For me though I have to go with Lake of the Woods, Ontario.  It has everything but boat traffic.  


Jan 29 at 03:44 PM

Just curious, what is everyone’s  favorite body of water to fish and why? 


Jan 29 at 11:04 AM

I’ve never tried it. But funny enough all the people I know that do it don’t enjoy it.  



Jan 28 at 12:49 PM

Some brave souls out there this morning.  Have had a week of unusually warm weather. 


Jan 28 at 08:21 AM

@, thank you

Jan 27 at 08:17 PM

Is there a situation where you would throw a balsa bait vs a molded?  My only crankbait experience is with a squarebill. 

Jan 27 at 02:09 PM

When I find some over the summer I’ll try and record them.

Jan 27 at 10:49 AM

My science teacher in high school got me hooked on hitting estate sales for old antique lures. Â