Mark Jonas

Portage, WI, United States

Sep 19 at 10:57 PM

Great idea I'd say!  That would be cool.

Sep 15 at 09:29 PM

I know this might have been a goof up of some sort but I think some stuff you went over was important honestly.  I took a shooting class awhile back and we actually talked about food breaks for people that may have blood sugar issue related things.  Thought about when you talked about nibbling on stuff during the day in the response video, that really is some good advice!

Sep 12 at 08:34 PM

Is that what they call a wiper? We have a lake up here that has some type of hybrid striper in it that they call a wiper that looks alot like that, I haven't cought one yet but I hear they put up a real fun fight! I guess some other names for them are sunshine bass, whiterock bass,and a palmetto bass.

Sep 09 at 03:57 PM

I'll be there.

Sep 07 at 09:06 PM

25 of those and that's a heck of a fish fry.... for days! lol. Wow


Sep 05 at 11:00 PM

Workin great on my end

Sep 03 at 09:07 PM

Thank you for answering my question, a great break down of it for sure! I've heard you, as well as others on the Tube, over my time trying to learn this trade talk about fishing the North ends of lakes and rivers and such and no one really dives into the why... so this was a great batch of info you laid out.. thanks!

Sep 03 at 04:20 PM

🫣🤫 I didn't see anything.. nope. 😆

Sep 03 at 12:17 PM

Ain't that something! Wow

Sep 02 at 02:29 PM

So during the last live I tried to sneak in a late question I thought of as you where talking over tournament strategies.  You got at it a little bit, but the live was wrapping up and it seemed like you wanted to spend some more time on that topic, so I will state it again here on the Q&A.  I have heard you bring up a number of times fishing the North end of a body of water.  Why North?  Next you have stated a hand full of times on fishing the dams.  Why the dams?  I guess I have never come across the videos or been apart of listening to you in the school that you talk about the "why" yet so I will ask you here! Â