Tim Dodson

Clayton, NC, United States

Born and raised a Florida boy, residing in NC. Lover of the outdoors, fishing, hunting.

Sep 22 at 11:21 PM

Brian Latimer oh I believe it but I’m sure you can understand with the volume of edited content at our disposal it is easy get caught up in that notion catching em.

Maybe a good topic for conversation. The reel sides of fishing. Puns intended

Sep 22 at 10:26 PM

Oh I withdrew from tournament, due to it was my anniversary and just didn’t feel good

Sep 22 at 10:23 PM

Brian Latimer in my defense, when I have tried all I know plus all the fun internet stuff, and still no bite I don’t know where or what try next. Just trying to frame my challenges differently. I’m sure some folks can relate.

I do appreciate your encouragement and perspective

Sep 20 at 07:34 AM

That’s unfortunate to hear for guy that enjoys beating the banks

Sep 19 at 10:25 AM

Brian Latimer gotcha

I already picked some stuff

Thank you

Sep 18 at 05:46 PM

For all of us SUF members in good standing is there a chance you would post the Garage Sale link here 15 -30 min before sharing with the rest of the world?


Sep 18 at 05:26 PM

Most of Mr. Barde's comments are true here in North Cacalacky also. 1—How are things changing where I am?  Water temperatures are in mid 70s in most larger lakes.  We just got a LOT of rain, so creeks and rivers are out of their banks. I imagine the lakes are a bit high and muddy at this point. I have not had a chance to get on the water this week so far to confirm but I will try to get out tomorrow. 2 - How are fish changing?  Again Mr. Barde is spot on.  I have boated a few dinks up shallow last weekend before the monsoon showed up, as well as lots of bait schooling up shallowish.  I didn't see any bass attacking the bait yet. 3—How am I changing?  I finally got the hang of the under-hand flip AND got my first bite while flipping grass. Now I need to go work on getting my finesse game on point.

Sep 16 at 07:38 PM

My PB is 6lbs 5ounce from the bank

Commented on The One Rod Challenge

Sep 16 at 06:24 PM

I’ll take your 1 rod challenge BUT let’s level the challenge up. I challenge you to 1 rod challenge pro v Joe style. Meet in the middle and fish it out.



Sep 16 at 11:27 AM

Yooooo. What's the updated ETA for the garage bundles?  I need a good deal on rods. I broke another one this weekend.