Tim Dodson

Clayton, NC, United States

Born and raised a Florida boy, residing in NC. Lover of the outdoors, fishing, hunting.

Jul 28 at 05:17 PM


That is the only fish I managed to boat, however I let a smaller fish shake off at the boat and a what felt like a much larger fish broke me off.  I went back to the same area today and the water had gone down a good bit but was still about the color of chocolate milk. I did manage to get a few more bites and boat a couple 15"ers.  Caught one on a black and blue chatter bait with a Bandito bug trailer, black and blue gig with a Bandito bug trailer and a third one a square bill crank. I also missed 2 decent bites on a Texas rigged Bandito bug.


Jul 26 at 10:28 PM

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Caught this one dragging a black and blue chatter bait in super muddy water.



Jul 24 at 09:57 AM

After the storms.     

We just got buckets of rain over the last 24 hours.   

Where would you suggest looking for fish and what baits would you throw?